Store all digital media and document images
in a single relational database
Organize your important documents, images,
data files into a readily available and accessi-
ble database
Create a hands free environment for your
Remove mail and lead time from your organi-
Convert daily paper communications into e-
mail and facsimile communications of impor-
tant business documents
Have the paper support you need for the
business of the day without the paper
Integrate web content, photos, market copy
and other important information into a single
Keep your market presence intact and con-
tinuous throughout the enterprise"
Ensure that the enterprise is working with the
same look and feel and information"
Automate your document flows with intelligent
Add barcode information to your documents
and communications for simplified turnaround
and reference"
Work the exceptions rather than the rule with
automated document capture"
Capture information in the field that translates
into systems information without keying"
Field communications without equipment with
forms data capture and turnaround"
Design forms that can translate into dis-
cernible information to remove keying and
improve customer turnaround
Image++ launches the applications associated
with the object type found in the database
based upon the capabilities of the client in use,
through standard association technology found
in any platform operating system, the same is
also true for media storage into the system.
Image++ allows you to create classification
associations for media that is to be used a cer-
tain way, such as default web content and other
published media versus unpublished internal
media. The system is also well suited to digital
delivery class applications where control of
media versions is important.
Desktop and Web Content Media Manage-
Classification and media type management for
all media types possible
Database storage for all media in the system
Media types are unlimited, both presently
known and future unknown media types are
Web Content Publishing and Digital Delivery
Default Image, Default Rich Text Format, Im-
ages, Rich Text, Internet Pages, Dynamic
Internet Pages, Streaming Media "
Objects, Spreadsheet, Word Processing,
Database, Mail Templates, Computer Aided
Design Drawings, Video, Sound, "
Text, Graphics, Program Executables, Por-
table Data File are just some examples
Multiple Applications
Drawing databases, Image Management,
Content Management
Web site active objects such as news, events,
employment positions, internal communication "
Web Content
News | Events | Employment Positions | FAQ &
Knowledge Base | etc..
Web content such as the above and whatever
additional classifications can be implemented
using Image++
The Image++ system sits directly atop any rela-
tional database application and allows for im-
ages to be injected into the system in an auto-
mated and manual workflow process.
The system provides for both web and desktop
presentation and user control of the overall
libraries, classifications and types in the system
for various purposes.
Image++ provides the digital document and
media library that interfaces with the work flow.
Media classes, document types and publishing
controls for the system are provided and bound
to the workflow and global search capabilities of
the system as well as the outbound and in-
bound communications that are digital in nature
such as e-mail attachments and facsimiles.
Image++ provides an easy, integrated way to
add digital media and documents to the work
flow and bind them with the system so that
teams, management staff, customer and vendor
communications are integrated.