No Challenge Is Too Great
Software Development, Design & Systems Integration
Proven provider of high impact, large volume transaction processing applications, through development, design and full system engineering of systems for industry leading companies.
Established Platform
Business system volumes in excess of 1.2 Billion Dollars Canadian per annum.
Geographically disbursed impementations of 300+ locales operating at 22k/33k average/peak weekly transactions.
High volume transaction based systems capable of managing multiple client and multi-divisional enterprises.
Design integration for traditional trade, establishment, EDI and e-commerce.
Web, Desktop and Server application development.
Depth and reach in programming language, data storage technologies and relational database technologies.
Integration expertise across diverse applications, operating system, hardware and data acquisition technologies.
Disparate systems connectivity.
Full systems engineering.
Network, operating system, hardware and equipment expertise for successful systems.
27+ years, Insurance, Banking, Law, Retail, Construction, Engineering, Manufacturing, Logistics, Distribution, Transportation, Accounting, Administration.
Business Volumes (millions)
Lines of Code (thousands)
Invested (thousands)
Hours of Coding
Weekly Transactions
DataBase Tables
Talented People
Years Experience
Developing Applications. For over 27+ years we have been developing applications across operating systems. With programming language and database language expertise to create high performance applications capable of handling up to 1.2B+ in proven annual revenues to date.
Intellectual Property. Our company has always strived for more with expanded offerings year after year building upon our work to acheive value for our products and our clients businesses. We have worked intensively to position our products in such a way that clients can identify with our systems and what our systems can do for them.
Infastructure. Experienced with multiple hardware, operating systems, network technologies and applications to enhance our level of service and understanding of clients best case and usage scenarios. This makes us knowledgeable and open to the best available solutions for our clients and makes our products better.
Integration. CapeTown Computing integrates industry specialized equipment, operating systems, business applications to get the best value for our clients technological investments and performance enhanced workflow for their business.
With systems running in 10+ year engagements, we have a proven track record of returning substantial value for your companies technology investment.
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Our Headquarters
268 Mapes Avenue
Vaughan, Ontario, Canada
L4L 8R7
Tel & Fax: +1-844-310-BYTE (2983)
Toronto: +1-647-657-2476