We are all familiar with the hosting account where we can upload and provide our website for public presentation. Typically the hosting account is oriented to the not so technically minded person who wants a simple management approach to their internet needs. In this scenario you pay for your usage
Read MoreOnce you have your website running you need to look address an important question. What do the search engines think about my website? Specifically google. How a website looks to us and how it looks to a search engine like google are very different things. WMT seems to be the short form for webmas
Read MoreCAPETOWN COMPUTING is Web and Workflow and Inventory Management, Materials and Merchandise Management, Logistics and Transportation and more with a high performing web software platform that handles high transaction loads and a large user capacity that can handle serious volumes, we are your franch
Read MoreSEO Audit Functionality In an attempt to get a better handle on our Search Engine Optimization efforts we purchased the SEO service from Godaddy.com. At 27.00 for a one year subscription it provided a great way to audit our existing efforts, items to add to our to-do list of improvements and a wa
Read MoreWe have had the pleasure of helping many new comers to the Internet, it has been a most exciting and learning experience as we shared our knowledge with everyone we have worked with. It is important we think to provide people with options, just when you think there are but a few a myriad are but ar
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