Frederick Mall Billiards in Kitchener Ontario, the latest purchaser of the ECMS Program by CMG Entertainment provides an example of where a long standing good business relationship where our timekeeping point of sale application can be used for running an entertainment or wellness establishment. Wi
Read MoreThe Art of Commerce™ Inventory Management System Art of Commerce™ is the featured system product of our X-Chain Inventory platform. It represents the ability to manage complex merchandise and materials inventory supply chain and order fulfillment requirements that span the web, wholesale, re
Read MoreCAPETOWN COMPUTING is Web and Workflow and Inventory Management, Materials and Merchandise Management, Logistics and Transportation and more with a high performing web software platform that handles high transaction loads and a large user capacity that can handle serious volumes, we are your franch
Read MoreSEO Audit Functionality In an attempt to get a better handle on our Search Engine Optimization efforts we purchased the SEO service from At 27.00 for a one year subscription it provided a great way to audit our existing efforts, items to add to our to-do list of improvements and a wa
Read MoreWe have had the pleasure of helping many new comers to the Internet, it has been a most exciting and learning experience as we shared our knowledge with everyone we have worked with. It is important we think to provide people with options, just when you think there are but a few a myriad are but ar
Read MoreThe Imageion™ Web and Workflow System The featured system product of our Web and Workflow platform is the Imageion™ system, Images in Action, Image Input Output Network is what Image-ion stands for and the reason we developed it is to provide a standard interface for business relationships, r
Read (image) View the company history 3D presentation When we were looking for a way to present our company history we looked at a lot of different aspects, website, blog, search engine optimization and a sense of completeness that would do the 24 years justice.
Read MorePost Inquiry and Comments on our site, Apart from some rudimentary changes to our site, we added a knowledge base section to deal with the day to day items we come across as a part of our work that may be of interest to you. Additionally we provided a way to post an Inquiry or Comment about us that
Read More(image) X-Chain represents our software platform for the integration of Supply, Fulfillment, Retail and Value chains into a congruent Merchandising system. The X-Chain platform provides the essential work flow requirements of a growing and diverse product centric ente
Read More(image) Enhance your internet presence by posting the content on your website to popular links in your market and have those links point back to your website. This is a relatively simple process that starts with good content on your website about your business in a we
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